This first version of the index is necessarily simple, representing just the initial step in what is intended to become a key benchmark in the world of travelers. Some possible areas for development include:

  • Introducing more criteria to measure the Quality of Travel, which represents the primary area for improvement
  • Incorporating lists and criteria from other travel clubs
  • Developing MTI specific lists and criteria
  • Enabling real-time calculation of the index
  • Developing a system to verify the accuracy of the available data

For these reasons, it is important to engage our friends in the travel community in providing feedback, critiques and suggestions for improvements.


As mentioned above, this version is a first draft, inevitably imperfect and incomplete. Therefore, feedback from our friends in the travel community is crucial for possible improvements at all levels, including:

  • Lists
  • Criterion
  • Weightings
  • Limitations
  • Methods of dissemination
  • Ways to overcome the limitations mentioned above
  • And more

Specifically, they may answer the following questions:

  • What is your opinion about MTI?
  • What are the main limitations of MTI?
  • How would you improve the MTI?
  • How can the MTI be more publicized?

We are mainly concerned with improving the QL component of the MTI, so it is especially important for us to have the answer to the following two questions:

  • What is your opinion about the weightings attributed to the 4 criteria presented?
  • What other criteria and sources should be included in the QL component of the MTI?

All general comments, critiques and suggestions should be sent to the email “MTI@ABS.PT”, in English, Portuguese or Spanish.
Also, any traveler (whether or not listed in the top 200) who wants to know more details about their index score can request them by emailing the same address.